After a longer than expected wait, I’m happy to say that we are back in stock and shipping Vruzend kits again!
I really appreciate all of the patience that those of you with backordered kits showed us as we worked through a number of unexpected delays. We finally have our latest resupply shipments of kits on hand, with more than enough to cover all of the back orders.
Demand has been much higher than we expected. We are producing more kits as fast as we can in our modestly sized factory, and are investing in new machines to increase our production capacity. There still might be a future backorder situation though as we rush to meet the current demand.
We learned from this extended backorder experience though, and we’ll make sure the process goes smoother in the future.
Thanks again to all of our supportive customers who put up with us! Your support helps make the late nights and raw fingers worth it!